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Body Shaping job

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Abdominal Infinite Rams 3-month review (Check if this is good)

꿍야꿍 2024-07-01 (월) 12:01 4 Days ago 1025
무한람스 전/후

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What does it look like???? I think I can see the difference because it's my body, but what does it look like to the public?... I'm currently on a diet, so I'm continuing to lose weight, so I've already reached the 53kg range haha. I 've gained a lot of weight, and my clothes don't fit, and I'm desperate to cover it up, so I came to see a friend. I followed suit.... Finally, my clothes were able to fit properly, and recently I came home after eating in tight clothes. I'm so touched... I'm going to the water bomb soon haha. I'm going to fight harder and try a crop top. Haha... I guess I can wear a crop top. ? I'm highly recommending it to people around me haha. I've made an appointment for a consultation to get my forearms done soon. How long have the bruises lasted for those who have had their forearms done?

Comment 11
미잉키님 2024-07-01 (월) 13:35 4 Days ago Address
Can you tell me the hospital and the price?
꿍야꿍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 14:02 3 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나깅 2024-07-02 (화) 14:01 3 Days ago Address
ㅇ어디서햇어? 병원이랑 가격 알려주ㅜ라..평생을 과체중으로 살아와서..ㅠㅠㅠ
꿍야꿍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 14:02 3 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
예쁘지요정 2024-07-02 (화) 16:52 3 Days ago Address
효과가엄청좋아보여요 :D
꿍야꿍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 23:25 2 Days ago Address
감사합니다 ^.^
Wpwkf 2024-07-02 (화) 22:39 2 Days ago Address
나도 병원 정보좀공유해주라ㅜ
꿍야꿍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 23:25 2 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
룰루리랄라 2024-07-02 (화) 23:25 2 Days ago Address
병원이랑 가격정보좀ㅠㅠㅠ 나도 크롭티 입고싶엉..ㅠ
꿍야꿍 Writer 2024-07-02 (화) 23:26 2 Days ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
두웅두웅1 2024-07-03 (수) 12:54 2 Days ago Address
아주 괜찮은거같은데! 멍도없고!
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