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Body Shaping job

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Surgery review (arm, shoulder, breast, lower arm, collarbone, hump)

꼬꼬야치킨짱 2022-04-25 (월) 13:22 2 Years ago 3535
1 days

First of all, it is my 5th month since giving birth to a 165cm / 82kg baby. 2022.04.22 3:30 PM Reservation for surgery Arrived around 1:30, took pictures, and waited for size to be in stock. The waiting time was long, so I kept waiting. At 4:30, I met the doctor and had a consultation and design (scheduled for surgery without consulting). I fell asleep when I saw it was 5:00 in the operating room. I woke up from a slumber after 10:00 , and the two nurses in the operating room woke me up, gave me water, and kept talking to me. I drank a small piece of apple juice and was about to take a taxi, but since it was Friday, they said they would never catch me, so they took me to the subway station right in front of the hospital (limited distance to the terminal). Arrived safely and rode the bus safely. (I rode well even though I was half-asleep haha) Bus departure time: 11:00 My fingers and toes were so cold and I had chills (I brought a short-sleeved ankle-length dress, regular neck socks, a thick windbreaker, and a muffler) You~~~ ~It's so cold, it hurts this way, it hurts that way , I want to sleep, but my fingertips and toes are so cold that I can't sleep, and I feel a little nauseous and thirsty. I took a sip of the small apple juice they brought me (if I didn't have that, I probably would have felt really bad) I bought a warm coffee at the rest area. I held it in my hand and slept for a while. Arrived home at 3:00 a.m. As soon as I got home, I took a pill of Tylenol. I laid down and heard an unmistakable sound. It hurt so much when I lay down, but I was happy. I fell asleep on an empty stomach since the day before, probably because I was tired from riding the long-distance bus back and forth haha. 8:00 in the morning. 00 I opened my eyes with a groan . I wrapped them in bandages, but my arms wouldn't move... I got a call from the hospital. They said they had forgotten to bring the compression garment and would send it to me by courier . They told me to remove the bandages and tape right away. There was less bruising than expected and the back of his left hand was swollen. I'm in so much pain, but I'm holding on by taking Tylenol (I have two kids.) I asked the hospital and they said the total amount was 6500cc.
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Comment 23
채채5 2022-04-25 (월) 13:54 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
꼬꼬야치킨짱 Writer 2022-04-25 (월) 19:04 2 Years ago Address
[@채채5] 나는 임신할때마다 20키로씩쪄가지고ㅠㅠ
그리고 원래 상체비만....
남편이 안도와주면 안될것같아...........
채채5 2022-04-28 (목) 11:10 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
채채5 2022-04-28 (목) 11:11 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
꼬꼬야치킨짱 Writer 2022-04-29 (금) 18:24 2 Years ago Address
[@채채5] 현금가했는데 좋은것같애
그리고 험프하면서 어깨라인도 해줬다하더라고
말만잘하면 서비스 더 받을수있을것같아 ㅋㅋ
채채5 2022-05-02 (월) 01:06 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
채채5 2022-05-02 (월) 01:07 2 Years ago Address
[@꼬꼬야치킨짱] 아밑에있구나!!
아무튼 나중에 만족하는 후기글도올라오길 바랄께!!
웃으며살자 2022-04-25 (월) 18:52 2 Years ago Address
고생하셨어요 ㅠㅠ 지방흡입만하고 거상은 안하신거예요?
꼬꼬야치킨짱 Writer 2022-04-25 (월) 19:04 2 Years ago Address
[@웃으며살자] 거상은 안했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
지금 너무부어서 흡입안했을때랑 별차이가 없어보여요....
윌리릴리 2022-04-26 (화) 02:53 2 Years ago Address
비용정보 부탁드려요 !!!
꼬꼬야치킨짱 Writer 2022-04-26 (화) 12:25 2 Years ago Address
[@윌리릴리] 복부빼고 상체전체 현금가700입니당
엘프위 2022-04-26 (화) 11:37 2 Years ago Address
정보좀 부탁드려용 가격정보 병원정보
꼬꼬야치킨짱 Writer 2022-04-26 (화) 12:25 2 Years ago Address
[@엘프위] 뽐나게빼 강대원원장님이고
복부제외 상체전부 현금가700입니당!!
이러 2022-05-16 (월) 22:45 2 Years ago Address
숨막히는뒷태 2022-05-18 (수) 17:01 2 Years ago Address
저두 이 험프, 어깨라인까지 수술할 예정인데...... 이 부위는 수술 직후 움직임이라든지.. 고통이 어떤지.. 궁금하네요^^:
포밍 2022-05-29 (일) 13:42 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
오드리가될때까지 2022-06-06 (월) 00:22 2 Years ago Address
몰랑초코 2022-08-02 (화) 09:27 2 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
허무해 2022-11-16 (수) 20:16 1 Years ago Address
난 지방통사진 안주던데
몰랑초코 2022-11-19 (토) 14:51 1 Years ago Address
허무님도 뽐에서 하셨어요 ?? 저도 어제 하고왔는데  수술후안내사항 보니까 개인정보? 관련해서 보내줄수은없고 병원와서 봐야한다고 하더라구요 ~?! 뭔가 바꼈나봐요 ㅎㅎㅎ  전 그래서 말로 물어봤어요 몇cc 뽑았냐고 ㅎㅎ
메룽메롱메룽 2022-12-26 (월) 14:13 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뚜룰루 2023-01-19 (목) 14:03 1 Years ago Address
와 정말 고생하셨어요
라뿔리 2023-06-07 (수) 12:52 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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