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Honest review of hairline hair transplant

릴리라일락 2021-11-23 (화) 17:54 2 Years ago 4962
당일날 모발이식부위

<당일날 모발이식부위>

당일날 모발이식부위

<당일날 모발이식부위>

당일날 이마붓기

<당일날 이마붓기>

7일차 후두부상태

<7일차 후두부상태>

앞머리 암흑기 시작

<앞머리 암흑기 시작>

14일차 후두부상태 (실밥제거 직전)

<14일차 후두부상태 (실밥제거 직전)>

I was worried because my forehead was shaped like a Pacific Ocean+M, but after making up my mind, I consulted and immediately set a surgery date. (All of this was resolved quickly in almost a week) Incision / 3,000 hairs (lowering the forehead height slightly and focusing on complementing the M shape) After reading all the real reviews on Naver, I felt a little relieved, but first of all, people who are using sedative anesthesia for the first time are very dizzy and mentally ill. I don’t think you have one. And the transplant site or the occipital incision area didn't hurt, but when I lay down to sleep that day!!!!!! Really extreme pain...!!!! (Until the 5th day, it hurts when I lie down to sleep) I couldn't sleep at all... If you want to do this, be sure to buy a neck pillow in advance (tip!!!) By the 1st to 4th day, my face was very swollen (forehead > The swelling went down like this: temples > eyes + bridge of the nose > jaw joint (cheeks). The swelling went down a bit from the 5th day. It was so swollen that I went to the hospital on the 3rd day and asked about it. They said I was a special case and it was a bit swollen, but it was probably almost swollen... I also had some yellow bruises on my forehead and temples. The incision area on the back of my head hurt, tingled, and had no feeling for up to a week, but now, on the 17th day, feeling has returned on the right side, but the left side is still there. I feel like it’s not just the back of my head?? It's like wearing a helmet. In the second week, the stitches are removed. It doesn't hurt, just a sting. The bangs have started to fall out a bit, and the letter m seems to be falling out here and there (it seems like the dark ages have begun). I think I will only be able to know my satisfaction when it all falls out and new hair grows completely, but as of now, I am about 70% satisfied. But...if I had to do it again, I don't think I would be able to do it. The back of my head hurts so much...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ For your safety, as always, do your research carefully and thoroughly about all plastic surgeries and procedures.

Comment 16
똥꿀이 2021-11-23 (화) 20:01 2 Years ago Address
Wow, it looks really painful just looking at it ㅜㅜ I haven't been able to get a hair transplant yet and am surviving with the procedure ㅜㅜ I hope there are good results!
릴리라일락 Writer 2021-11-24 (수) 11:06 2 Years ago Address
[@Dongkkul]   Thank you:) I'm feeling better now, but I regretted it a little because it hurt so much.
땜빵땜꽁 2021-11-23 (화) 20:28 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
릴리라일락 Writer 2021-11-24 (수) 11:07 2 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
이마성 2021-11-24 (수) 02:19 2 Years ago Address
잘되길빌게요 ! 저는 1차망하고 2차성공했습니다 사후관리 중요한것같아요!
릴리라일락 Writer 2021-11-24 (수) 11:07 2 Years ago Address
[@이마성]  우리모두 진짜 득모해요ㅠㅠ 감사합니다:)
알콜함유 2021-11-24 (수) 17:42 2 Years ago Address
고생많으셨네요 별 탈 없이 잘 되실겁니다!
릴리라일락 Writer 2021-11-29 (월) 10:15 2 Years ago Address
[@알콜함유]  감사합니다^^ 지금 암흑기여서 넘 빠져요ㅜㅠ
러블리제이 2021-11-27 (토) 12:48 2 Years ago Address
오!!!저  지금 헤어라인 알아보구있어요!!!! ㅎㅎ어디서하셨나요?궁금 원장님은 1인인가요?
릴리라일락 Writer 2021-11-29 (월) 10:15 2 Years ago Address
[@러블리제이]  저 청담병원에서 했는데 원장님은 1인인데 뭔가 만족스럽진 않아요ㅠㅠ
므힝이 2021-11-30 (화) 19:55 2 Years ago Address
Kawaii123 2021-12-04 (토) 07:37 2 Years ago Address
진짜 시간지나고 잔머리 나면 라인 진짜 이뻐질거같아요!
블링a 2021-12-29 (수) 15:40 2 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 저도 헤어라인 상담다니는데
잘되신거 같아서요 정보좀 주세여^^
타꾸맘 2022-01-24 (월) 08:04 2 Years ago Address
많이 아플까요? ㅜㅜ
걱정충 2022-03-12 (토) 13:01 2 Years ago Address
후기 감사해요 ㅠㅠ 혹시 언제부터 만족하시나요?
모바리식 2022-06-19 (일) 08:59 2 Years ago Address
엄청 오래가네요 ㄷ
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