<수술전><수술후>Before the surgery, I had surgery from Dr. Gok-Jin Ko, who is famous for functional nose surgery, because I wanted to improve the shape of my nose, which has no nose bridge and a slightly curved nose, and I also wanted to improve it functionally! Its been about a month now, and the swelling seems to have gone down to some extent~ I wanted a thin and gorgeous nose shape while consulting, but I think you reflected the shape well, so Im satisfied with the result~ I have a missing nose bridge I think you did it ㅠㅠ I think Ill be taking a lot of side pictures after the surgery! Haha I also have problems with nose function, so my nose is often clogged and I have a runny nose. He said that he didnt have to do B-Valve, so he only had rhinitis and a deviated septum. I think hes as good as he is famous.