It's been a week since my nose surgery, and I even got a splint today. Before that, I took the cotton
out. Since I got the cotton out, I said it was so easy to breathe, but now that I've had the splint removed,
I feel like I'm going to lie and blow it up. I also wash my face properly.
I'm also uploading a pre-surgery photo. I'm a little softer. I didn't use silicone because my goal was to get rid of the curved line by removing the
line. I didn't like the strong look or masculine feel of my nose, so I removed the curved line and didn't straighten it up. Rather than putting it on one side of being flashy or natural, I just thought of a normal line haha.
Swelling and all, I'll take the splint off first and post a picture when I'm excited. Hahaha