I had my nose reduced at Unimedi. It's been 2 weeks since I had it. I
was always very stressed about my wide nose, but if it was possible to reduce it so quickly and naturally, I should have done it sooner. The
consultation was kind and good, and when I went to another hospital for consultation, they recommended various nose surgeries. I had it,
but it was nice that they only recommended what I needed and wanted to do, and
there wasn't anything like that here. The surgery didn't take that long either, about 20 to 30 minutes? It was done so quickly
and amazingly, I didn't feel any pain from the first day. To the point where I wondered if it had been surgery... haha.
It didn't hurt at all, so I just continued my life as usual. The swelling went down very quickly,
so I started meeting friends 3 days after the surgery, but they didn't recognize me.
Anyway, I was very satisfied with the nose reduction. It was